This release fixes various bugs in Customize window and brings various minor improvements.
Version: v10.5.1 (2020-06-19)
- when building Live folders, retrieve localized sub folders names (if it exists in desktop.ini file)
- when adding a folder and retrieving suggested "Short name for menu", retrieve localized sub folders name (if it exists in desktop.ini file)
- when checking for an update on QAP website, improve caching and error checking
- add diagnostic code when checking for a newer version (contact me on the forum if you experienced issues with the "Check for update" command not reporting a newer release)
- fix bug in "Sort" menus when selecting the "Customize Window Options" item
- fix bug causing an error message when disabling the "Display dates and stats" checkbox in "Options, Customize Window"
- fix other bugs when sorting menus
You can download the new release on Quick Access Popup home page:
Please report bugs or send questions/comments in the
QAP Support section.