Release v10.2.9.3 - quick beta test
Jean Lalonde > 2019-11-17 17:43
I will release v10.3 in one week approx. You can give a try to new features. Thanks for reporting issues you could find in this release.
Version BETA: (2019-11-20)
- fix a bug breaking the Alternative menu when any change in the "Options" dialog box are saved
- stop showing the irrelevent button "Reset default hotkey" when selecting an hotkey for an Alternative menu features
Version BETA: (2019-11-18)
- fix a bug when the QAP Feature "Window Always on Top" is launched from a keyboard shortcut
- add a tooltip message when the "Always on Top" is turned OFF for a window (there is no value to do it when turend ON since the topmost window will probably cover the tooltip)
- fix a display bug in "Edit favorite" dialog box when a Folder favorite is member of a group with a file manager allowing to select left or right side
Version BETA: (2019-11-17)
Snippet Quick Add
- new QAP Feature "Snippet Quick Add" displaying a dialog box where you can create a snippet and its hotstring in one step, with the content of the Windows Clipboard used to suggest default values for the name and content of the new snippet
- to promote the use of snippets, a new menu "My Snippets" is added to your menu with the "Snippet Quick Add" feature and an example of snippet including an hotstring (you can move or remove this menu in the "Customize" window)
- you can add the "Snippet Quick Add" feature to a menu by selecting "Add Favorite", choose the type "QAP Feature", section "QAP Menu Editing" and select "Snippet Quick Add"
- in "Options", section "Snippets and Hotstrings", you can set the default submenu for snippets added with the "Snippet Quick Add" dialog box
Configurable hotkeys for Alternative menus features
- redesign the section "Alternative Menu Hotkeys" of the "Options" dialog box allowing to assign various keyboard hotkeys for Alternative menu features
- the Alternative menu features are: "Open in new window", "Edit a Favorite", "Copy a Favorite's Path or URL", "Run as administrator", "Open the Containing Folder in a New Window" and "Open the Containing Folder in the Current Window"
- available hotkeys are: Left + Shift, Left + Control, Left + Shift + Control, Right + Shift, Right + Control and Right + Shift + Control
- to use these hotkeys, open the main QAP menu and, before clicking a favorite, press one of the six hotkeys combination to activate its associated feature
- improve Alternative menu QAP feature "Open the Containing Folder...", including support for Special folders
- display error message when an Alternative menu feature is not supported for a given favorite type
Bug fixes
- open some Special folders in Directory opus lister instead of in an external window
- fix various bugs when opening a group of folders, when adding a favorite after deleting multiple favorites and when positioning Explorer window on active monitor
Various improvements
- new QAP feature "Window Always on Top" that toggle the always on top property of the selected window (you can add this feature to a menu by selecting "Add Favorite", choose the type "QAP Feature", section "Window Management" and select "Window Always on Top")
- in the "Enter your donor code" dialog box, add a link to remove am existing sponsor code if it was entered by error
- in "Edit Favorite" dialog box for "Folder" favorites, "Windows Options" tab, support user variables "{uservariable}" and environment variables for Explorer window position values (Left, Top, Width and Height)