(2024-12-03 08:01)Jean Lalonde Wrote: Oh, I've been able to reproduce the issue with a favorite Document (not with a Folder). I can change it to keep the custom icon when editing a document favorite (instead of adding a new one). The question is: are there situations where user would expect QAP to use the default icon of the new document instead of keeping the custom icon?
I feel like if we've gone thru setting a custom icon it should stay, at this point if a default icon is preferred than I'd use the "reset to default" button.
In my menu I particularly enjoy the folder popup menus.
I used notepad++ 85% of the time, Ctrl + space, with nothing selected open a menu of the folder where the document is. If a file pathe is highlighted, it shows that document folder.
I've set .ahk file to open in notepad++, or a default text editor.
This is menu is just a snippet of my main script, which is about 40 .ahk files. It makes jumping between them a breeze.
The alternative open with menu is great too, for sending a doc to multiple Editors, dopus, or everything, and\or copy details from it.
The files menu is my fav discovery ! for taking action on file from a selected filepath within a document, no need to navigate to a browser window!
I've set personal menu to have more options and to work in multiple apps. I've not share that much in the script cause there's a lot of variables on there's machines that I'm not sure how to capture for the menus to see and use.
Everything else this menu does QAP and your clipboard app already does better.
There may nothing in here that you have already seen. I hope a little piece of it might spark and idea for one of your projects.
After all it was QAP which helped me to see the magic and ahk in a menu form.