This is a reply to a
question asked by Zalterego36 in the QAP forum.
(2024-11-06 16:28)Zalterego36 Wrote: I do a lot of boilerplate copy/paste in my job and AHK streamlined quite a bit of that, but I've effectively run out of hotkeys to combined with my Stream it possible to do the following with Quick Access Popup?
1.) Back up content currently in clipboard
2.) Read the contents of a specific txt file to clipboard
3.) Paste the contents of the clipboard to current window
4.) Restore previous clipboard content
The backup/restore of the clipboard is negotiable, but nice.
Quick Clipboard Editor could help you with this. Select "File, Open text file", enter the file name, click "Save this command" and enter a name for the Saved command. You can click "Add to menu" to add the saved command to the "Saved commands" menu and select "Hotkey".
After you execute the command, the file content will be in the QCE editor. Then, simply hit the "Paste" button in the QCE window to sent the content of your file to the target application. This will use the Clipboard and will not backup/restore the previous content of the Clipboard but QCE makes it very easy to retrieve your previous clips in the History menu (right click the bottom left/right arrows buttons).
If your issue is that you have many commands and run out of hotkeys, you could use QAP to create a popup menu of your QCE saved commands. Do you still follow me? :-) If the QCE part makes sense to you, I could elaborate on the QAP menu part.
If you are interested, QCE is still evolving and adding possibilities to the QCE "Script" feature could bring us closer to the solution you are looking for.