RE: QAP "Suspend Hotkeys" permantly?
WayOutWest > 2024-09-26 20:16
Yes, I only use QAP from the tray icon.
I have so many programs on PC(s), with so many risks of hotkey conflicts, that I tend to disable *every* hotkey option on every (esp. new) program and then only slowly turn on a limited number for specific things. For QAP, I haven't found anything that needs a hotkey so I *have* manually set each & every '''hotkeys in "Options, Popup Hotkeys" to "None" and make sure no favorite has a hotkey or a hotstring in "Tools, Manage Hotkeys / Manage Hotstrings"'' -- until a QAP update adds a new one, something in the *.ini gets messed up, etc. And *also* manually disable "Suspend hotkeys", *every* time I restart the PC or (re)launch QAP..., as belt-and-suspenders to avoid conflicts. Then I don't have to rule QAP in & out if & when a new HK conflict appears when I install a new program or a program updates (manual or auto).
Scouts-honor that you'll *never* add a new hot-key for a new or existing command... :-)