Select line(s) by clicking on the left margin
Jean Lalonde > 2024-04-29 07:22
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I noticed that the free application notepad++, has the option of selecting line numbers by clicking next to the line and a blue dot will show up.
I can keep selecting various lines so that more than one line can be copy and pasted in that program. Select those to paste by right mouse clicking.
Then an option menu will show up. Which allows to paste all selected tick marks. A feature like that added into your program would be a huge time
saver. Especially, if I can also control the order of the line items as well as they are pasted. There is no quick shortcut in notepadd++ to do this without
going into the menu to paste, which would make it so that there is one less step to get to the paste funtions or deselect all lines ticked.
I have a job that I am doing data entry a lot and am using notepad to do this. Havering the mouse over the left edge of the line and then left clicking to select the entire
line. I tried to do the same thing with your program and it won't allow to select the entire line. Instead I have to click on the first letter on the left and hit shift and end key to do that. If I am on the far right hit shift and home. Notepad++ also has the option of selecting an entire line by left mouse clicking the line number on the left side of the screen.