Hi Jean,
Your ahk code in QAP is stunning! Well Done! I started building my own menu in ahk a couple months ago. mine are extremely simple compared to yours,
in any case, I wanted to chime in on work-around option I did to include DO Aliases inside both DO and QAP...
as both the Favorites and FolderAliases are xml formatted files, I created a new "Branch" a.k.a. sub-folder, from the Pref panels of DO, than copied and pasted the Folder Aliases from folderaliases.oxc into the new branch inside of Favorites.ofv.
it change was instant and a double win, i can now see this "branch" in both programs. its great. And a bit overkill as I have 80+ aliases set up. On a 4k monitor this list spans the entire screen with scroll arrows. LOL
the drawback is they will not be updated live if one adds, removes, or changes an Alias.
I had to manual mess with config files to make this happen, not everyone might be comfortable with that, paste that list in the wrong spot could make a mess to clean up.
but there's a quick option for anyone who want to edit DO config files.
I think Ive seen others asking for alaies to be included in favs over on the dopus forum. ill chime with this and upvote that as well so the aliases could be live.