I'm not sure when, but QAP is no longer opening folders in freecommander but in file explorer. It was working before and noticed it now is not. I could not open the qapconnect.ini file from within QAP and have provided a screenshot of the error message I got when I tried.
I did open the .ini file with a text editor and it seems to be the same as it had been when it was working:
[FreeCommander XE]
; source: Roland Toth / updated Jean Lalonde (2019)
AppPath=C:\Program Files\FreeCommander XE\FreeCommander.exe
CommandLine=/C %Path% %NewTabSwitch%
Actually, QAP did begin to work again with freecommander when I refreshed the list, selected freecommander, and then saved the options. The inability to open the .ini file remains though so is that a bug with QAP or something gone wrong on my PC?