Let's be transparent: QCE v1.1.1 was not very solid. I took the whole summer to improve it. Releases v1.2 and v1.2.1 fix many issues and bugs. QCE is now getting some maturity. However, because the QCE user base is still quite small, you may find other bugs. Please help me identify them by reporting them on this forum
QCE Support section.
Suggestions are also welcomed.
Version 1.2 (2023-09-23)
Menu bar
- rename the first menu "
Clipboard" (it was named "File" in previous releases to comply with general Microsoft guidelines but, in the case of this application, it makes more sense to name it "Clipboard" since most its features relate to the Clipboard)
- change order and review labels under the "Clipboard" menu
- restructure the "Convert" menu grouping commands by category in submenus
File operations
- add "
Clipboard, File" submenu with commands to save or open text files and Clipboard binary backup:
- add the menu item "Open text file" to load a text file to the editor, to the Clipboard or to both
- text can be loaded with various file encodings: ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-8 No BOM, UTF-16, UTF-16 No BOM and custom codepage
- a new option under "Options, Various" allows to set the codepage used for "Custom encoding" (default 850)
- option to replace the whole editor content or insert the file at cursor position (or replace selection)
- add "Save text file" to save to disk the text in the editor
- text can be saved with various end-of-line encodings: Windows (CR/LF), Unix (LF) or Max (CR)
- text can be saved with various file encodings (same as above)
- option to save the whole editor or only the selected text
- add the menu "Backup Clipboard" to save the binary content of the Clipboard (including all formats) to a binary file
- add the menu "Restore Clipboard" to load a binary backup file to the Clipboard (including all formats)
- new hotkeys Ctrl+O to open a text file and Ctrl+E to save a file
- the "File Open", "File Save", "Backup Clipboard" and "Restore Clipboard" can be added to "Saved commands" for quick retrieval
Binary conversion (Base64)
- add "Binary" submenu under "Convert" menu with options to encode/decode Clipboard binary content to Base64 text:
- encode the full Clipboard content (including all formats) to Base64 string (allowing to store or transfer it as text)
- decode a Base64 text string containing the full Clipboard (all formats) and load it to the Clipboard
- encode the image in the Clipboard to Base64 text (currently in PNG format)
- decode a Base64 text string containing a PNG image and load it to the Clipboard
- currently Base64 strings are encoded in lines of 64 characters
Various improvements
- enable Alt+first letter for buttons in various dialog boxes
- when the Clipboard contains a bitmap image, add a clickable link in status bar to "See image" (in a temporary PNG file)
Bug fixes
- fix bug breaking the "Copy to Append to the editor" option
- in the status bar, at QCE startup, initialize more reliably the Clipboard format to "Text" or "Binary" (taking into account synthesized formats for bitmap ant text)
- show the "Inspect Clipboard" dialog box always on top if editor is always on top
- fix bug when disabling the "Invisible characters" checkbox, fix other minor bugs when "Invisible characters" option is enabled
- fix bug to always show the editor at its previous position
- fix bug to make the Enter key work in menu bar
Version 1.2.1 (2023-10-18)
- add protection against "XL Clipboard bug" (thanks to
ClipJump author)
- make sure QCE closes the Clipboard after processing Clipboard changes
- fix various bugs related to the presence of bitmap image in the Clipboard, including asking unexpectedly to discard changes when going to previous history item
- fix bug in the first section of the status bar when the Clipboard contains multiple formats (bitmap, text, etc.)
Known issue
sometimes, especially when using copy commands in Excel, the Clipboard may get locked (until a better solution is found, as a workaround, close or relaunch QCE)
- bold font sometimes wrongly set in Editor window (under investigation - puzzlingly intermittent...)
Download QCE here.
For an introduction to QCE, see
Features and Help here (updated to v1.2).
Get support (questions, help, bug reports) or
make suggestions on this forum.