First thank you Popleft for taking the time to write these detailed comments and suggestions. I'll list the suggestions that will be added to the wishlist at the end of this post. But first let's explain from where comes the "import" ambiguities.
In my view, the ambiguity comes from the "Import Favorites" button in the "Import Settings" dialog box. Before the addition of this button (in v11.1 - Dec 2020), favorites were imported by checking the "Favorites" checkbox in this dialog box and clicking the "Import" button. At that time, the favorites were copied "as-is" from the selected ini file without some validation and this caused issues (checking for duplicate names) especially when the imported favorites were added to existing favorites.
When I coded the "Add Multiple Favorites" module (accessed in the menu bar "Favorites > Add Multiple Favorites"), it allowed to add favorites from various sources with full validation.
After I added the feature to add favorites from "QAP Settings File (tree view)", I stopped supporting imported favorites from the "Import" dialog box because the new method was safer. To guide users to the new "Add Multiple Favorites" dialog box I added this "Import Favorites" button in the dialog box and disabled the "Favorites" checkbox. I realize that this was bad UI design because this change causes confusion between the various checkboxes and buttons (especially for new users).
The first solution that comes to my mind is to remove the "Import Favorites" button and the "Favorites" checkbox from the "Import Settings" dialog box and replace it with a link (clickable text) at the bottom of the dialog box. The link could be: "To import favorites from a QAP Settings file, use the 'Add Multiple Favorites...' dialog box". I think this would make things clearer removing the ambiguity between checkboxes and buttons.
Your other suggestions will also help clarify things. But before listing the items for the wishlist, one remark. When you write:
> QAP is automatically copying daily backups of your file (quickaccesspopup.ini) containing ONLY main settings available at Options of the main menu and keeps those backups for the last 5 days in the backup folder selected in the Options, General tab. This process does not secure your Favorites entries.
There is a misunderstanding here. The QAP daily automatic backup makes a copy of the full QAP ini file
including both the options and the favorites. If you copy a backup file like "QuickAccessPopup-backup-20230809.ini" to your settings folder and rename it "QuickAccessPopup.ini" this will restore all the favorites and options you had at the backup time.
When I'll be fully back from vacation (in 2 weeks), I'll review your post and add these suggestions to the wishlist:
- Remember the "Import Settings" file selected in the previous import
- If there is no "Import file" from previous import, use the default backup folder (Options > General > Main settings file backup folder)
- Rename the "Export/Import Settings" to "Export Favorites and Options/Import Options" or split this to two distinct entries: "Export Favorites and Options" and "Import Options"
- Add the menu bar entry "File > Import Favorite to menu" (same destination 'Add Multiple Favorites...' dialog box)
- Add to the Customize window context menu the new entries "Export Favorites and Options", "Import Options" and "Import Favorite to menu"
- Support the "{Now:format}" placeholders in the export filename (see
- Clarify in the knowledge base the entries about import/export and the use of "Options" vs "Settings"