status bar & ASCII Replace
Gio710 > 2023-03-09 06:21
Hi Jean,
congrats for this new app !
I'd find usefull, if only 1 caracter is selected, to have it's ascii code in status bar, after "line...Car...Pos...Sel... " ASC No
It would also be nice to have an ascii replacement function
Use Case : When I'm copy/pasting from PDF's, sometimes I need to rework line breaks, to unite paragrph components, Ascii would help differentiate spaces, tabs and CR, LF, CR/LF
Ho, I just discovered the invisible caracters function. In my use case it helps already. But I'd like a way to transform text like this :
Into this :
It would be numbered list/bullet list rescucitation function. How can I easily
a- the difficult part for me is to find "␍↲{any_number}" , replace it with, let's say "~{found_number}"
b- then it's easy to find "▫␍↲" , replace it with "▫"
c- then easy to find "~" and replace it with "␍↲"
can I make step a- with QCE ?
I got sucess doing like this in one of my scripts :
If (InStr(A_ThisMenuItem, "Liste numérotée", , 5) > 0)
Clipboard := ""
Send ^c
ClipWait, 1
Loop, 9{
Clipboard := StrReplace(Clipboard, "`r`n"A_Index, "~~"A_Index)
Clipboard := StrReplace(Clipboard, "`r`n", "")
Clipboard := StrReplace(Clipboard, "`r", " ")
Clipboard := StrReplace(Clipboard, "`n", " ")
Clipboard := StrReplace(Clipboard, "`t", " ")
Clipboard := StrReplace(Clipboard, " ", " ")
Loop, 9{
Clipboard := StrReplace(Clipboard, "~~"A_Index,"`r`n"A_Index)
Clipboard := Trim(Clipboard)
Usefull to integrate to convert menu ? Would need the same for bullet lists, taking the 1st car as the bullet...