RE: Option to set the Customize window font size
markboulder > 2023-05-03 02:18
I request this also.
I am almost 70 years old, still doing heavy R&D and design in complex adaptive systems on the computer, and my eyes now require a 12 or 14 point type size to see comfortably. We have at least one 55" 4K monitor at each 6-monitor workstation/server in our Lab, and QAP appears very tiny on it!
Not a great big deal, but when I'm customizing or learning QAP, I practically have to put my nose up to the screen!
Total Commander has this ability to chang all font sizes, including all its menus, can you do this also please?
Thanks for a great proiduct we just discovered, Jean!
- Mark Casey (formerly at Kudelski of Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne) May 3, 2023