This is a bug fixes release mostly related to Search result list.
Version BETA: (2019-08-25)
- fix bug collecting favorites with shortcuts or hotstrings in Manage Hotkeys dialog box
- refactor how to check if changes need to be saved when exiting QAP from System menu, File menu bar, Alt+F4 or Reload QAP
- when displaying a search result, disable items from Favorite menu for commands not supported in search results
- hide the "Move" button when in search results (but keep the "Copy" button)
- swap the "Copy" and "Move" buttons (to avoid having an empty space when in search result)
- remove forgotten debugging dialog box when saving a favorite
Reminders for new beta testers:
NOTE: The donation approach has been changed in v10. The donor code (that was the same for all users) has been replaced with a personalized sponsor code that must match the user name displayed in the sponsor message at the bottom of the Settings window. I had to do this because of unfair users who shared the unique code on various forums. Please contact me by email and I'll send you your updated code.
NOTE for Spanish users: Spanish text files has not been translated yet.
Download installation file: