Jean, I'm sorry for this long post, but I didn't want to pollute the forum with a series of shorter posts.
Please move this post to the beta thread if I posted in the wrong place. I didn't want to pollute that thread either.
And, please do not take this as me complaining, I'm fully aware that this is an early beta and a work in progress.
I deliberately use the term "observation", not "bug".
Some of this may be bugs, or missing features (this is a beta after all), or intentional at this point in the development, or me just misunderstanding, or just a suggestion from the armchair.
Currently using: QCE v.0.1.5 Portable.
Works on Window 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2016 Core, Windows Server 2019 Core & GUI.
So, no surprises there.
Minor issue: The center section of the status line, the
Line-Char-Pos-Sel info, flickers on all operating systems.
I guess this is QCE constantly updating the status line?
On Win 10/11 it is very minor, on Core it is very visible.
Local VMs, and RDP
The clipboard function works as expected between the host and VMs running locally.
The clipboard function works as expected in RDP-sessions.
So, no surprises there.
Save to Clipboard button, not working without entering a character
F.ex. when using the
Change case function the button is greyed out after conversion until I enter a character (space, letter etc).
File --> Save to clipboard works fine.
Clipboard History in QCE
(Slightly revised from my post in the beta thread)
If possible, it would be nice if QCE supported clipboard history to make it independent from tools like Ditto or the Windows Clipboard History feature.
Write history automatically or manually
If history is implemented it would be very useful if there was a choice/setting to:
A. Write history automatically, ie when QCE detects a change on the clipboard.
B. Write history manually, ie the user have to push a button or (preferably) use a hotkey to write the current content to QCE history. (push-to-stack for us old assembler geezers

Possible limiters/settings for the History function
1. Limit the number of entries, delete oldest first, ie. only store N number of entries in history.
2. Limit based on date, delete/overwrite all entries older than a given date and/or delete/overwrite all entries older than N days.
3. Limited tag support, ie the user can assign some simple user defined tags to the different clips, and then search and/or sort based on the tag.
Menus not working
Options --> Select Editor mouse hotkey
Options --> Select Editor keyboard hotkey
(I guess they are not implemented yet?)
CTRL-S hotkey not working
CTRL-S, save to Clipboard does not work.
I have to push the button or use the menu to save.
Possibly a conflict somewhere, but I am unable to find it.
Hotkey switching between Edit and Save mode
If possible there should be one hotkey to change between Edit mode and Save(d) mode
(While still keeping the CTRL-S since it is pretty much a standard).
Is it possible to use CTRL-E to just toggle between Save(d) and Edit mode?
Right-click menu
Change case
Pops-up a "
Yes-No-Ok, got it" box EVERY time.
This gets very old, very fast!
Please, please, please make it possible to disable this in a future release.
Find and replace
Does not actually work if the cursor is placed at the end of the text in the editor.
If the cursor is placed somewhere in the text, the search goes from that point and to the end.
The replace all menu choice works on the whole text, no matter where the cursor is.
Could replace and replace all be merged to one choice/dialog box, f.ex. similar to the replace dialog in Excel or VS Code?
Info text for non-supported formats
I have no clue if this is possible to do, but could there be an info text/placeholder thingy in the editor when the clipboard contains data not supported by QCE?
For example if I copy an image, the editor just goes blank.
As I said elsewhere, QCE is a nifty tool/concept and with some bells and whistles it would be very useful indeed, and make me ditch some other tools I use to handle copying and pasting.