Bug fixes and changes in Settings window, Icons and others.
Version BETA: (2019-08-23)
Settings Menu bar and hotkeys
- add to Favorite menu three Insert separators items: normal separator, column break and text separator
- add Settings hotkeys Ctrl+S (Save), Esc to escape the Search box or close the Settings window, Alt+F4 to exit QAP
- to avoid conflicts with the Search text box, replace shortcuts Del with Ctrl+R (Remove) and Ctrl+C with Ctrl+Y (Copy)
- new Settings hotkeys Help window
- display current settings file name in "File, Switch Settings file" menu after user switched settings file
- add/remove ellipses ("...") according to Microsoft design guidelines
Settings window
- check if changes need to be saved when exiting QAP from System menu, File menu bar, Alt+F4 or Reload QAP
- remove Alternative menu QAP features from "All" list in Add Favorite
- fix bug when editing and removing a favorite from the Search result
- disable "Move" and "Copy" commands from a Search result (temporarily)
Manage Icons
- fix bug when cancelling the "Select icon" dialog box when called from the "Icons" dialog box
- fix bug when setting default icon for a Document or Application favorites from the "Icons" dialog box
Shared menus
- check if Shared menu is loaded without error before opening it in Settings
- disable a Shared menu if an error occurred when loading it
- if an error occurred when loading a Shared menu, try to reload it when using the command Refresh external menus
- fix bug in URL when retrieving change log for the latest version
- Portuguese update for v10, Dutch and French translation of the last page of Setup installer
Reminders for new beta testers:
NOTE: The donation approach has been changed in v10. The donor code (that was the same for all users) has been replaced with a personalized sponsor code that must match the user name displayed in the sponsor message at the bottom of the Settings window. I had to do this because of unfair users who shared the unique code on various forums. Please contact me by email and I'll send you your updated code.
NOTE for non-English or French users: text files has not been translated yet. I'll wait for your feedback before sending the files to translators. In the mean time, some text may be outdated in non-English languages.
Download installation file: