I just started to play around with QAP and the Obsidian URI "interface".
F.ex. to open a note
Tried with a favorite of type "Document", that didn't work.
(No surprise there....)
But, the "Link (URL)" type seems to work.
There are some stuff I want to look at:
How QAP handles URI encoding
(forward slash / must be encoded as %2F, and space must be encoded as %20)
The input function and the use of User Variables in URI's.
The timed/date function in QAP.
Also, the "new" action in Obsidian URI does not seem to support choosing templates or setting tags.
Maybe a QAP Group with some snippets and stuff can be used? We shall see down the road.
Obsidian URI Search action
Cool, this:
obsidian://search?vault=VaultName&query={Input:Enter search term}
works, also when Obsidian is closed.
So, I can be working somewhere else (ie. another tool/application), trigger the favorite and jump directly to the completed search in that specific Obsidian vault.
Using space in the search term also works.