I implemented the change suggested by Jims earlier: QAP feature names can now be edited. Thanks to the new v10 QAP object model, this was easier that I expected (without going in technical details, the QAP feature names were previously required to be unchangeable). I hope I did not miss anything but this seems good.
Also, in this release, I'm testing a new component to make web request. This component is used to 1) check the latest version, 2) retrieve the change log for the latest version and 3) fetch the page name when editing a Link favorite. Please, check if these features work as before and if you get an error dialog box, please send me a screen capture of this dialog box.
Version BETA: (2019-08-01)
- allow to edit QAP features names, using the default localized name only if name is empty
- in ini file, avoid converting Donor to DonorCode if DonorCode already exists
- add temporary debugging code to web request code (used when checking for updates) and first try the new protocol MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0 before using WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1
- stop creating a diag file at first execution
- add to translation file the "All" treeview category label shown when editing Special folders and QAP features favorites
- German, Italian, Korean and Portuguese Brazilian language updates for v10
Known issues
- Error reading the latest version number (on some systems)
Reminders for new beta testers:
NOTE: The donation approach has been changed in v10. The donor code (that was the same for all users) has been replaced with a personalized sponsor code that must match the user name displayed in the sponsor message at the bottom of the Settings window. I had to do this because of unfair users who shared the unique code on various forums. Please contact me by email and I'll send you your updated code.
NOTE for non-English or French users: text files has not been translated yet. I'll wait for your feedback before sending the files to translators. In the mean time, some text may be outdated in non-English languages.
Download installation file: