These versions of Quick Access Popup require a license to run and
will stop working when the license server will be shut down on
December 31st, 2021. Since v11.5, Quick Access Popup reverted to the free software model and a license is not required anymore. The free version contains no limitation, no donation popup window or "Support this software" menu item like the previous free releases. To avoid any inconvenience, I recommend
upgrading to QAP v11.5+ immediately.
Version: (2021-12-21)
- fix bug introduced in v11.5.3 expanding by error environment variables (like %windir%) in snippets content
- in the "Select favorite type" dialog box, fix bug adding a favorite of the type previously selected user click Continue without having selected a type
Version: 11.5.3 (2021-11-30)
Settings file (quickaccesspopup.ini)
- prevent the error message "An error occurred while reading this settings file" displayed when QAP tries to load incomplete settings files
- instead, QAP will revert to the previous favorites list and inform the user that the last saving was incomplete
- now make an internal backup of the [Favorites] section of the ini file even when the size of the section is larger than 65532 chars
- more info:
Screen scaling
- in various QAP windows, adapt buttons centering on screens with scaling (under Windows 10: Settings, Ease of Access, Display) often used by users with High-DPI screens
- more info:
Bug fixes
- fix bug when user variable content includes an equal (=) sign
- fix a bug preventing loading of a new language file when language is changed immediately after installation
- fix bug in Customize window showing bold text (labels and listview) by error in dark mode
Other improvements
- expand environment variables (like %windir%) in favorites parameters (a new ini value "ExpandEnvVarsInParameters=0" allows to disable expansion if required)
- add an option under "Various Advanced Options" to keep file extension when setting the "Short name" for a Document or an Application favorite
- new JLicons.dll file v1.6.3 including icons for a new project to be announced (user of the portable version must replace the previous JLicons.dll file)
- addition of Russian language in the setup program
- Russian translation file update
You can download the new release here:
Please report bugs or send questions/comments in the
QAP Support section.