This is the first complete release before v10. By "complete", I mean that all the changes I wanted to introduce in QAP v10 are now done and tested as much I could do alone. I'm now relying on you to find any additional bugs before I roll out v10.
If you have issue with this release that prevent you from working normally, you can always return to the last alpha release v9.9.0.10 (see link below) until I fix the issue. The settings files are backward compatible between these releases.
NOTE: The donation approach has been changed in v10. The donor code (that was the same for all users) has been replaced with a personalized sponsor code that must match the user name displayed in the sponsor message at the bottom of the Settings window. I had to do this because of unfair users who shared the unique code on various forums. Please contact me by email and I'll send you your updated code.
NOTE for non-English users: text files has not been translated yet. I'll wait for your feedback before sending the files to translators. In the mean time, some text may be outdated in non-English languages.
Version BETA: 9.9.2 (2019-07-10)
Settings window menu bar
- add a menu bar with "File", "Favorite", "Tools", "Options" and "Help" menus
- make these menus available from the the QAP system menu (right click on QAP icon in Notification zone)
- remove from Settings window various buttons for features and links now available in the menu bar
- remove program title/version at the top of window (keep it in the window title)
Settings window keyboard shortcuts
- Ctrl-O opens the new Options window
- Ctrl-E edits selected item (menu or favorites)
- Ctrl-Right now changes the menu in Settings window if a menu is selected or opens the selected favorite
Settings window various improvements
- hide the Search box under the submenus dropdown list and add a Search button to show the Search box (the "X" button shows the submenu dropdown list)
- the Search box now filters items from current menu instead of from the top menu (main)
- in items list, remove the "parent menu" item ("..") and make parent menu (up) and previous menu (back) arrows more visible
- add an option under "General" section of the "Options" dialog box to open the "Settings" window at startup (default on)
- when saving a favorite of types folder, document or application, check if the file exists (except if location includes a placeholder {...})
- give feedback to user if a Sort command must stop at a line or column separator
Settings Folder
(these changes impact only users who installed QAP using the Setup executable file)
- for new installations, the default Settings Folder is now under "My Documents\Quick Access Popup" (instead of user's AppData folder)
- the Settings Folder is registered in user's registry under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Jean Lalonde\WorkingFolder"
- Settings Folder can be changed in "Options", "General" section, with dialog box asking if user wants to copy actual settings to the new folder or use the settings already in this new location (or create new settings, if necessary)
- after the Settings Folder content is copied, if an error is detected, display an error message; if it succeeded, confirm it and inform user that the original files were *not* deleted
- new dialog box to enter Sponsor code and add the "Enter your sponsor code" menu item to "Help" menu
- Donor code must now matched the sponsor's name displayed at bottom of Settings window (the sponsor name cannot be changed except to change upper/lower case of name)
- remove donation reminders shown at startup for users who did not make a donation
- display a sponsoring reminder when launching a new release for the first time (not in beta releases), for portable installation only (setup installation see a reminder in the setup program)
- Setup mode: use the Registry Run key to set QAP as a startup program (delete old startup file shortcut)
- Setup mode: when uninstalling QAP, delete from Registry the QAP Run key and QAP Settings Folder key
- Portable mode: keep startup file shortcut
Various changes
- when in portable mode, add "Run at Startup" menu in QAP system menu (right click on QAP icon in Notification zone)
- in "Options" dialog box, show "Sponsor this software" button only if user is not a sponsor
- when switching Settings file, stop asking for confirmation
- stop display submenus in a popup when refreshing some menus
- support environment variables (like %TEMP%) in temporary, working and backup folders
Internal changes
- implement object oriented data model (using classes, etc.) for favorites data
- keyboard shortcut in QAP menus or dialog boxes (using ampersand "&") are now assigned automatically in any language (except Korean and Chineese); this will simplify the insertion of ampersands (&) in these labels when translating labels
Bug fixes
- fix bug ampersand lost in Recent items when numeric shortcuts are enabled
- fix bug about Total Commander ini file not found when saving options
- clean up temporary folders older than 7 days not deleted when quitting QAP (as it should be normally done)
- fix bug when launching a folder with Directory Opus as active file manager but when DOpus is not running, launch DOpus keeping previously saved folders
Download installation file:
Fallback release (in case something went wrong in the latest release)