Of course, do as you see fit, if you can use some of it that is just great!
You could make it even simpler by using just cmd and not the %ComSpec% system variable. It may not be that known for some users.
I tend to assign system variables to QAP vars, makes it simpler for me to read the config and the ini file.
Mixing QAP vars, {someVar} and system vars like %anotherVar% just makes my head hurt!
I don't remember from where I got the double quotes, it was back when I experimented with the shell: command and had to dig into how cmd parses the input. I've been messing around with both cmd and pwsh, and running scripts in SSH sessions. So I just write down syntaxes that work for a given case, but not the reason why they work....sorry!
EDIT: If I remember correctly, the double quotes are connected to the START command, not cmd.