Uploading images on this forum is a little tricky. You have to pay attention to a step that can easily be overlooked (see section A). In addition, when you write a comment, you have to take an extra step to discover the image attachement button (see section B).
A) Adding a image to a new thread
After you selected your image (steps 1 and 2 in the image below), you can be under the impression that your image is ready. But no... You also have to click the "Add Attachment" button on the far right of the screen. It is only after your image is attached that you can click "Post Thread" to send your message.
B) Adding an image to a comment
When you add a comment to a message, this forum initially shows the "Quick Reply" form. This form does not include the "Attachments" section. To show it, you have to open the full editor by clicking the "Preview Post" button. Then, you will see the "Attachments" section as illustrated in Section A.
C) Inserting inline images in your message or comment
"Attachments" are inserted at the end of messages or comments. If you want your image to be inside your message, you have to use the "Insert Image" toolbar button and enter the URL of your image. To do it, you need to upload your image on your web server using free services like