Better support for dialog boxes and for XYplorer
tmp > 2021-02-08 05:47
Hi Jean,
Hi all,
First off, thank you, Jean, for your good work throughout all these years.
The world needs a product like this (also as an alternative to a certain Chinese product).
What I mainly (basically only, so far) use it for, though, is the quick switching of folders inside a save/open dialog box, aka "Reopen Current Folder in Dialog Box".
Unfortunately, this is one part of QAP, that could still need some improvement:
1) It does not always switch the folder in the save/open dialog boxes successfully, even when there is a "current" folder in QAP's memory and it can be seen that QAP is interacting with the dialg box's edit field. - This happens sometimes. It is not a big issue. One can press the hotkey again and often it works on the 2nd try, I think.
2) As far as I remember, this function does not work with folder picking only dialog boxes (when there are no files displayed, but only folders). - Would be nice, but since these dialog boxes appear not so often, I can still be happy with using QAP.
3) Now, MOST important:
Unfortunately, this functionality ("Reopen Current Folder in Dialog Box") does *not* work with XYplorer (out of the box).
It is not complicated for a coder to make it work with XYplorer. I customized the ahk-code of an older 10 version, recompiled it, and there it works now. But, besides that it would be a mess to always customize the code on each new version, now from version 11 onward, it seems, that the code is no longer made publicly available. Therefore, it would be really nice if the XYplorer support could be improved. Thank you. (I am also pretty sure, that a lot of XYplorer users would then become happy new customers of QAP.) :-)
Thank you for reading.
Regards, S.