I'm almost ready to upload alpha release v9.9.2 release. This release will include major changes in the QAP engine. It will also include significant improvements to the Settings window. I'm currently testing this new release as thoroughly as possible and expect to release it in the next weeks.
Users who install QAP with the "Easy Setup" installation program: if whenever, after having upgraded to v9.9.2 (or future release), you encounter an issue preventing you to use QAP normally, this release v9.9.0.9 will make it easier to revert to the previous alpha stable version.
Users of the portable version: you will not need this version to revert to a previous version of QAP after having run QAP v9.9.2. However, if you like running the latest version, you can install this one as well.
There are no changes to test in this release. But expect much testing work with v9.9.2 :-)
Version: (2019-06-11)
Pre v9.9.2 (and v10) release
- in anticipation of the launch of Quick Access Popup Alpha release v9.9.2 (expected in the next weeks), changes in release v9.9.0.9 will make things smoother if user installing QAP with the "Setup executable file" needs to revert to previous release after having run v9.9.2 release (this will not be required for users installing QAP with the "portable zip file")
- FYI, only the startup process needed changes in regard with v9.9.2 new startup process
- v9.9.2 settings file will be backward compatible with v9.9.0.9 settings files
Download installation file: