A new license is required to run QAP v11. More details on the QAP home page.
I launched this week-end the first release of QAP v11. It add new functionalities but, most importantly, I introduce changes in the way I handle contributions for Quick Access Popup, going from a donation model to a versatile and conservative paid model based on a licensing system. You can read here
why I'm doing these changes. QAP is now available for a small price (subscription or one-time cost) and remains available for free with all its features but will also require an active licence.
Version: 11.0 (2020-10-17)
- New licensing system replacing the sponsor codes with various paid licenses and a free edition
- Add multiple favorites in one step: folders, documents, applications, Special Folders or QAP Features to a specified submenu or group
- Improvements to: Customize window, Live folders, Windows Terminal support, Directory Opus and Total Commander support
License processing
- implement a new licensing system replacing the sponsor codes; new licenses are available for a modest price and a free edition is also available
(more info: https://forum.quickaccesspopup.com/showt...p?tid=1208)
- when users launch QAP without a valid license, it displays the "Manage License" dialog box where users can get a license on QAP website or to enter their license they
- the "Help, Manage your license" menu in the "Customize" window allows to manage the license on QAP website (using a password sent when getting the license), remove installations, etc.
- the "About" dialog box now displays the license info with a link to copy the info to the Clipboard
- the new QAP feature "Manage License" allows to insert this feature anywhere in your QAP menu
- new license text in the "About" dialog box, setup file and portable zip file
Add Multiple Favorites
- a new menu "Favorite, Add Multiple Favorites" in the "Cuszomize" window allows to add various favorites to a menu or group in one step;
- multiple favorites sources are:
- add favorites folders or applications from the "Current Windows";
- add items from the "Recent Folders" or the "Recent Files";
- add items from the "Frequent Folders" or the "Frequent Files";
- add multiple QAP Features or Special Folders;
- add folders, documents or applications favorites from a selected folder;
- add any favporites from any QAP settings file.
- the list in the "Add Multiple Favorites" dialog box can be filtered by keywords or sorted
- optionally a checkbox excludes from the list the favorites already found in the QAP menu
Customize window
- right-click entries in the favorites list of the "Customize" window to open a contextual menu allowing to "Add", "Edit", "Remove", "Copy" or "Move" the selected favorite(s)
Live Folders
- in favorites folders with "Live folder" option enabled, the option "Refresh this Live Folder menu only with the command 'Refresh Live Folders'" will prevent refreshing this live folder menu each time the menu is refreshed
- allow "Live folder" option in favorite folders inside groups
Various improvements
- replace the old (an unfriendly) Windows "Select Folder" dialog box with a more workable dialog box (thanks to Flipeador) where the folder can be changed with the QAP menu
- for Directory Opus and Total Commander users, add an option in "Options, File Managers" section to set the default side (lister or pane) for new tabs to "Left" (or top), "Right" (or botton) or "Active side"
- add support for the Windows app "Windows Terminal" (with same features as for CMD command line or PowerShell)
- optimize the menu refresh when items are on an offline network drive (UNC)
- in portable ZIP file, update readme.txt file and merge Update_instructions.txt
Small bug fixes
- fix bug not removing the small status popup window when using the "Refresh Live Folders and Shared menus" command
- fix bug when saving changes to the properties of a Shared menu
- German, Italian, Portuguese-Brazil, Portuguese, Korean and French language files update for v11
Version: 11.0.1 (2020-10-18)
- adjustments to "About" and "Manage your license" dialog boxes
- Chinese language file updated for v11
- fix bug with Frequent menus in Korean language
You can download this new release from QAP home page.
I hope I can count on your continued support under the new model. If you have any concerns or are having any issues with these changes, I’ll be happy to
discuss it on the QAP Forum.
As usual, you can report bugs or questions in the
QAP Support section.