I knew I had posted something about UserVars somewhere, and found this one!
Should you at some point in the future consider implementing this, I would like to suggest a couple of adjustments/changes.
It would be very convenient to have "Global" and "Local" UserVars.
Global vars:
They could "live" in a separate INI-file that QAP reads much like a Shared Menu.
Examples (for me) are vars substituting OS-vars and command line switches, like
"{cmdrun}=%ComSpec%" and "{cmdopt}=/Q /T:1E /K"
Local vars:
They could "live" as they do now, in the main (local) INI-file of QAP.
If there is a conflict, that is, two vars with the same name, Local vars should override the Global ones.
(make it possible to do local adjustments if necessary without changing the global definition).
...just my two cent!
PS! I have ca 50 UserVars, and about half of them are "global" ones.