It's been a long time since the last beta release. I'm back now with the beta release is v10.5.9.x that will become production release v11.
The main change in this release is the transition from a donation model to a paid model. QAP will now be sold for a modest price starting at $ 0.99 per month (plus $ 0.30 for transaction fees) or $ 9.99 per year. A lifetime license will also be available and a free license will be available. At first, the free edition will include all QAP features but this could change over time. Fore more info or to discuss this change, please see
this thread about the transition.
The main objective of this beta release is to validate the licensing process. To run this release you will need a license code. When you will launch this release, you will be offered to get a license on the QAP test website (named "Quick Access Popup Shop Sandbox" at the URL This is a test site. Your PayPal account or credit card will NOT be charged for this transaction.
QAP will be offered in a variety of payment options. Choose the option you want to test. In the transaction form, do NOT use your PayPal account or your real credit card number. But enter your real email address. Use this TEST info:
Credit card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Expiration: 4/24
Security code: 242
The confirmation email sent immediately after the test transaction contains your license code and the download links for the "Easy Setup" and "Portable ZIP" files. These will be the same file as the one you can download with the link below. If you download these files from the test site, you may see security alerts because the test site is not a "SSL" secure site. However, you should not worry about it and confirm the download or the installation.
With your license in hand, relaunch QAP and, in the "Manage License" dialog box, save your license number. This license will be valid for the duration of the beta test only.
In addition to these changes, this beta release contains some changes related to the new features already introduced in the previous beta releases (mainly the "Multiple Add" feature), some changes introduced earlier in the master release (that were not pushed yet to this beta release) and some other improvements or minor bug fixes.
Thanks for your help !
Version BETA: (2020-09-28)
License processing
- implement a new licensing system replacing the sponsor codes; new licenses are available for a modest price and a free edition is also available
(more info:
- when users launch QAP without a valid license, display the "Manage License" dialog box, where users can get a license on QAP website or to enter the license they received in a dialog box
- under the "Help" menu, replace menu item "Enter sponsor code" with "Manage your license" allowing to manage the license on QAP website (using a password sent when getting the license), remove installations, etc.
- optionally display the sponsor's name in the "Customize" window
- display the license info in the "About" dialog box with link to copy the info to the Clipboard
Adding Multiple Favorites in one dialog box
- under the "Favorite" menu, new menu item "Add Multiple Favorites" allowing to add favorites to a menu or group in one step
- filter items to import by keywords or sort them in the "Add Multiple Favorites" dialog box
- optionally exclude from the list the favorites already found in the QAP menu
- add multiple favorites (folders or applications) from the "Current Windows" to a menu or a group
- add multiple items from the "Recent Folders" or the "Recent Files"
- add multiple items from the "Frequent Folders" or the "Frequent Files"
- add multiple QAP Features or Special Folders
- add multiple favorites (folders, documents or applications) from a selected folder
Various improvements and small bug fixes
- add support for the Windows app "Windows Terminal" (with same features as for CMD command line or PowerShell)
- optimize menu creation when items are on an offline network drive (UNC) and remove unnecessary option "Retrieve icons when refreshing Frequent menus"
- fix bug when saving changes to the properties of a Shared menu
- Italian translation typos and encoding issue fixed
- other changes in production release v10.5.3 to v10.5.6
Version BETA: (2020-09-29)
- add QAP feature "Manage License" allowing to insert this feature in the QAP menu
- rename variable name in ini file to avoid overwriting the name associated to the pre-v11 sponsor code
Version BETA: (2020-10-01)
- Add Multiple Favorites: add favorites from a QAP ini file
- various adjustments related to license processing
Version BETA: (2020-10-09)
- German, Italian, Protuguese-Brazil, Portuguese, Korean and French language files update for v11
- new license text in the About dialog box, setup file and portable zip file
- in portable ZIP file, update readme.txt file and merge Update_instructions.txt
- internal code cleanup
Download link:
(link removed - this beta test is now completed)