Quick Access Popup Future
Jean Lalonde > 2020-09-24 14:13
First, I want to thank the growing number of QAP users who made donations to support QAP development. With this continuous encouragement, I can assure that I will continue to develop and support QAP users as long as Windows doesn't add a built-in tool that would make QAP unnecessary... and I'm not too worried about that!
Second, I want to let you know that I will soon make changes in the way I handle QAP donations. These changes have three objectives:
- simplify the management of sponsor codes (avoid manual processing and emails);
- develop a modest, but long term source of income covering my expenses (like security certificates, hosting and various licenses, etc.) and some of the hours spent maintaining QAP;
- give more incentives to support the development of QAP by using a paid edition.
To implement these changes, I will use a software licensing platform where users will be able to register and download QAP with a license code. Reception of the code will be immediate and automatic. Since a large proportion of QAP donors have already shown their openness to continued support, I will make this code renewable annually. The new system will automatically renew their support and users will be able to cancel their subscription at any time. The cost of the license will be $ 9.99 per year. As many users suggested it, a lifetime license will also be available at the cost of $ 39.99. Thirdly, it will also be possible to subscribe for a monthly fee of $ 0.99 (plus $ 0.30 for transaction fees). All these base prices will allow installations on two computers. Other packages will allow more installations for groups or companies.
Finally, a free version of QAP will remain available. However, I want to give some benefits to users supporting QAP development by using the paid edition. I haven't decided what the free edition will be in the long run. Initially, the latest QAP version will be available for free but will require an active licence.
I hope I can count on your continued support under the new model. If you have any concerns or are having any issues with these changes, I'll be happy to discuss it.