It would be great if we could add an option to have truncated file paths for the Frequent files/folders, and Recent files/folders submenus.
Currently, when we open the Recent files submenu (or any other In the works menu) it shows the full file path which is very long and confusing, for example:
C:\Users\Another folder\Another long folder name\Project Folder\Sub folder\Long file name.txt
It would be better if it could be truncated as follows:
Project Folder\Sub folder\Long file name.txt
An option to choose the level of depth will be great, for example:
- Filename Depth: 4
Another long folder name\Project Folder\Sub folder\Long file name.txt
- Filename Depth: 3
Project Folder\Sub folder\Long file name.txt
- Filename Depth: 2
Sub folder\Long file name.txt
- Filename Depth: 1
Long file name.txt
In its current state, it's very difficult and frustrating to use the Recent Items menu, because the file paths are very long and it takes a lot of time and cognitive load to scan and find the file name.